Friday, November 12, 2010

LogMeIn Remote Service Available For Mobile Devices

Remote Computer Repair

If you've used my service before, you're probably familiar with Logmein, a simple and elegant piece of software that allows me to access your system remotely with your permission.  This, of course, makes it so that I can do many repairs for you without visiting your home, and in doing so saves both of us time and money.  It's an incredibly powerful tool for anyone who may need to access their own system from another place as well.  For example, if I leave a note or document on my system at home, and I need to read it or copy it, I can use Logmein from my laptop somewhere, go right on my computer, and email the note to myself.

But what if I don't have my laptop with me?  Maybe all I have is my phone, or an iPad?  Well, Logmein has created an iPhone/iPad/Android-friendly version called Logmein Ignition.  It's $29.95 for the app, but after that there's no additional fees, and you'll be able to access any laptop or desktop computer you've set Logmein up on.  The interface is brilliant and intuitive, and is something worth considering if you're like me and don't always have the files you need outside the home at all times. 

                         Complete control over your Windows 7 home computer in a 3.5-inch iPhone display?
                         The geek cool factor here has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.

Very cool!  But be forewarned; do not make the mistake I did of showing this off to my wife.  She already thinks I don't spend enough time outside already.  Maybe she's right.  Now, to Logmein to my laptop from my Droid to cloud network my mp3 library to my phone...

- Josh

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